BBB 2020 is being prepared
To stay updated and/or take part in the cocreation of the event please check this website regularly and connect with us on our facebook page and regional groups.

English version
The Barcelona Burning Bash (BBB) is a yearly co-created event inspired by the ethos of Burning Man and Nowhere. This event is organized by the Barcelona Burning Man Community.
Set on a beautiful piece of land in southern Catalonia, BBB is a place to explore, connect, and play with old friends and new ones. Surrounded by fresh air and green forests, we hope all co-creators has an invigorating experience!
This is a a highly participatory experience, so we invite and encourage each of you to get involved, to perform or teach or learn a new trick, to help prepare our shared dinners, and to dance with woodland creatures to tasty beats until sunrise.
🗣️ BBB 2019 will happen…on May 1-5 2019 (yes, 5 days!) 🗓️ in a castle located 1.5h south of Barcelona (secret location) 📍
BBB 2019 has the theme “Cosmic Love” 💫💖 – we look forward to see your interpretation with plenty of creativity! 👩🎤 Yes you should dress up, our recommendation is “1 outfit per day” 👩🚀🧙♀️🧟♂️👨✈️
Versión Castellana
El Barcelona Burning Bash (BBB) es un evento anual co-creado de todos e inspirado de Burning Man y Nowhere. Este evento esta organizado por la Communidad de Burning Man de Barcelona.
Situado en un hermoso emplazamiento del sur de Cataluña, un lugar para explorar, conectar y jugar con los viejos amigos y con los nuevos. Rodeándonos de aire fresco y bosques verdes, esperamos que todo el mundo tenga una experiencia vigorizador!
Esta es una experiencia altamente participativa, os invitamos y animamos a cada uno de vosotros a involucraros, a realizar o enseñar o aprender un nuevo espectáculo, a ayudar a preparar a nuestras cenas grupales, y a bailar con las criaturas del bosque saboreando los ritmos hasta el amanecer.
🗣️ BBB 2019 ocurrirá … del 1 al 5 de Mayo 2019 (¡sí, 5 días!) 🗓️ en un castillo ubicado 1.5h al sur de Barcelona (ubicación secreta) 📍
BBB 2019 tiene el thema de “Amor Cósmico” 💫💖 – te dejamos interpretarlo con muchisima creatividad! 👩🎤 Sí, deberías disfrazarte, nuestra recomendación es “1 disfraz por día” 👩🚀🧙♀️🧟♂️👨✈️
Communal Effort
Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration.
We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.
We thrive collaborating for all the aspects of the event, whether it is for art, workshops, cleaning, cooking, or caring.

Consent – Ask First
We value communication, the clear understanding of consent and mutual respect in the arena of a playful and positive sexual environment. Although it may look like “anything goes”, this is not the case. If you choose to participate, it is very important to understand your own boundaries and to always respect other people’s…

LNT – Leave No Trace
Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them